CS 371p Blog Week 10

Blake Romero
2 min readNov 1, 2021

What did you do this week?
This week, I first finished up the Allocator project with my partner. I was also able to complete a project for another class as well. Overall, it wasn’t that busy of a week.

What’s in your way?
I have a few different things to do this next week, and I’m starting to get a bit stressed out about finishing them all. I’m not super worried about it yet, though.

What will you do next week?
I have a project for Computer Vision that I have to finish up first. I also have a project for another class I have to finish, and I have a couple of interviews coming up as well. Overall, I think this week will be pretty busy, but I thankfully don’t have much going on afterwards.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #10: Dependency Inversion Principle?
I had already read this paper before, so I was already familiar with its concepts. I still enjoyed reading through it again, and I think that this principle is also one that is pretty crucial to creating “good design”, like the paper says.

What was your experience of iteration, functions, and heap arrays?
I actually really enjoyed the lectures this week. I think that the explanations on these topics, especially the functions, were a bit hard to understand at first, but I’m glad they were able to go as in-depth as they did. I really felt like I came out of class with a good understanding of all of these concepts.

What made you happy this week?
I was able to spend some more time with my family this week, which I really appreciated. It was nice being able to be around them for a while and have some time to relax.

What’s your pick-of-the-week?
If you have ever wanted to do web-dev with Java, my friends and I recently learned about the Spring Framework for Java. It made it much easier for us to use Java as a backend for our website, and it has a bunch of other applications as well!

