CS 371p Blog Week 9

Blake Romero
2 min readOct 25, 2021


What did you do this past week?
This past week, I didn’t have too much to work on. The main thing I focused on was the Allocator project. I was able to make a good amount of progress on it with my partner this week.

What’s in your way?
At the moment, there isn’t much in my way. I’ve just finished up with a few busy weeks in a row, so I’ve been able to have some time to relax recently.

What will you do next week?
This upcoming week will be pretty busy. I first need to finish up the Allocator project with my partner, which hopefully won’t take too much time. I also have a project for both Virtualization and Computer Vision due later this week, so I need to make sure both of those get done as well. Thankfully, I don’t have anything I need to study for, so I can put all of my focus into these projects.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle?
I thought that this paper was a pretty interesting read. The concept seemed somewhat similar to the Singular Responsibility Principle and other principles that we have covered thus far, and it made a lot of sense as to why this should be applied to interfaces. Like the other principles, I hope to start applying this to my own projects as well.

What was your experience of algorithms and iterators?
I’ve had exposure to iterators before, and I was glad to have some more in-depth explanation of them. It was very interesting to see how they are used in C++.

What made you happy this week?
I was able to get back to playing D&D with my roommates, and that was a lot of fun. I’m hoping that we will be able to get back to weekly sessions soon.

What’s your tip-of-the-week?
If you find it hard to make it to campus to work on your assignments, the UT VPN lets you connect to the UT network, allowing you to SSH into the lab machines from anywhere. I find this really helpful to be able to complete my projects from my apartment or anywhere else rather than going to a computer lab. More info on how to set it up can be found here: https://wikis.utexas.edu/display/engritgpublic/Connecting+to+the+University+of+Texas+VPN

