CS371p Blog Week 12

Blake Romero
2 min readNov 15, 2021

What did you do this past week?
This past week, I was able to finish the majority of the Darwin project. My code is able to pass all of the HR tests, so all I have left to do is tidy it up before I submit it. I also got started on my Computer Vision project that’s due on Tuesday, but I wasn’t able to get as far as I would have liked.

What’s in your way?
I’ve been pretty busy this last week since I have 3 projects due this coming Tuesday. Thankfully my schedule will be much lighter after those are done.

What will you do next week?
This coming week, I plan to first finish up all of the projects I have due early in the week. Once I get all of those done, I’ll have some time to relax before Thanksgiving.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #12: More Getters and Setters?
I thought that this paper did a great job of building off of the ideas that were introduced in last week’s paper. Some of the examples it provided were a bit confusing and unintuitive, but I was able to understand the bigger picture it was trying to convey.

What was your experience of initializations, copy constructor, copy assignment, move constructor, and move assignment?
I was a bit confused on the specifics of initializations at first, but I feel like they were explained pretty well, and I ended up with a decent understanding of the material. Both copy and move I felt were pretty helpful overall, and they weren’t as confusing as initializations.

What made you happy this week?
You might think it was a bit soon, but I went back to the theater to rewatch Dune with a couple of friends who hadn’t seen it yet. It was great to experience it the second time, and I’m glad my friends enjoyed it as well.

What’s your tip-of-the-week?
My tip this week is to make sure you are getting enough sleep each night. It may sometimes seem really tempting to stay up late working on assignments or doing other things, but getting the right amount of sleep, and sleeping at a consistent time, is very important to be able to maintain high levels of productivity and alertness throughout your day. Plus, making sure you get enough sleep will improve your health in the long term as well.

